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FTTH Solution

Time:2020-03-04 Views:357
Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) technology involves the deployment of fiber-optic networks into users‘ homes. Today, it is critical to provide ultra-fast infrastructure that can withstand the ever-increasing resource-based demands and demands of users. At present, ultra-high-speed broadband plans have been launched around the world to achieve high-speed network coverage across the country, that is, to provide high-speed Internet access for all households, companies and government departments.
FTTH is the foreign language abbreviation of fiber direct to the home, and the Chinese abbreviation is fiber to the home. Specifically, FTTH refers to the installation of optical network units (ONUs) at home users or enterprise users, and is the optical access network application type closest to users in the optical access series except FTTD (fiber to the desktop). The significant technical feature of FTTH is that it not only provides greater bandwidth, but also enhances the transparency of the network to data formats, rates, wavelengths and protocols, relaxes the requirements for environmental conditions and power supply, and simplifies maintenance and installation. When it comes to FTTH, we must first talk about fiber access. Optical fiber access means that the optical fiber is used as the transmission medium between the central office and the user.
Although the development speed of mobile communication is astonishing, people still pursue fixed terminals with relatively superior performance due to their limited bandwidth, that is, to achieve fiber-to-the-home. The charm of fiber-to-the-home lies in its enormous bandwidth, and it is the best solution to solve the "last mile" bottleneck phenomenon from the Internet backbone network to the user‘s desktop.
FTTH technology is still used to solve the "last mile" problem in the information highway. FTTH+Ethernet is much faster than ADSL and ISDN. As far as the world is concerned, most telecommunications companies mainly develop broadband access through ADSL. However, ADSL is a broadband access technology based on copper wire. Copper is a global strategic resource. Continuing to climb, the line cost of xDSL based on copper cable is getting higher and higher, and the raw material of optical fiber is silica, which is inexhaustible in nature. In fact, the current market price of optical fiber is lower than that of ordinary copper wire, and its lifespan is much higher than the latter. In the new laying of subscriber lines or the replacement of old cables, optical fibers have become a more reasonable choice, especially in the trunk section and even the distribution section.
Finally, as the fiberization process of the entire network continues to extend to the user side, the restrictions on end-to-end broadband connections are more and more concentrated in the access segment, and the current ADSL uplink and downlink connection rates cannot meet the long-term business needs of high-end users. Although ADSL2+ and VDSL2 technologies are expected to alleviate this pressure, the continued substantial improvement of their speed and transmission distance is limited, and a substantial breakthrough cannot be expected. Obviously, with the large-scale application of optical fibers in long-distance networks, metropolitan area networks and even the backbone of access networks, the logical development trend is to continue to extend optical fibers to the distribution and lead-in parts of the access network, and finally realize fiber-to-the-home.
Fiber to the home can not only provide greater communication bandwidth, but also allow multiple operators to access users equally through a single fiber, which not only allows users to truly choose network operators independently, but also avoids duplication of construction sites. waste of resources. Therefore, the development of fiber-to-the-home is the general trend.
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